Abstract:The contaminants from habitat environment and feed can be enriched in mariculture fish. In order to assess these health riskes, Epinephelinae, Takifugu bimaculatus and Larimichthys crocea from the coast of Fujian province in China were collected, and the concentrations of persistent contaminants including inorganic arsenic, methylmercury, Pb, Cd, Cu, PAHs, PCBs, HCB and DDT were detected respectively. The margin of exposure (MOE), total carcinogenic risk index (RTC) of the main contaminants, as well as the correlation of contaminants between fish and pollution sources were also calculated. The results showed that average MOE of contaminants were between 2.53×10-6~0.136 that was less than the limit value of 1, and average RTC were between 2.17×10-5~2.83×10-5 that was less than the maximum acceptable risk level of 10-4. Therefore, the health risk of the three farmed fishes were acceptable. From the health risk values of contaminants, the distribution and variation features of main risk factors were discussed. The primary health risk factors of the three farmed fishes from the coast of Fujian province in China were methylmercury, PCBs and PAHs. Except the correlation of mercury content between in feed and in fish, there was no significant correlation of major risk factor contents between in the pollution sources and in fish. This health risk assessment can help people establish the correct consumption concept,which contribute to the safe aquaculture product。[Chinese Fishery Quality and Standards, 2021, 11(2):51-62]