Abstract: Under the influence of micro - organisms and endogenous enzyme,fishi is prone to undergo quality changes in terms of sense organ,physical and chemical propertiesand micro - organisms,leading to the rapid putrefaction and decreased freshness. Therefore the methods used for rapid and nondestructive detection of fish freshness are ofgreat
scientific and practical value in terms of preservation,storage,and transportation of fis!i and fis!i products.Further-more they will become an important direction for evaluatingthe quality of fish in the future. In this paper, several kinds of rapid and nondestructive detection methods were introduced for rapidly assessing the freshness of fish,inclu-
ding microbiological detection ( enzyme -linked immunosorbent technique ( ELISA) and gene chip technology),the evaluation of tiie flavor ( electronic nose technique, electronictongue technique and olfaction visualization detection technique) and otiier physical and chemical techniques ( near - infrared spectroscopy metiiod,electrical conductivity andbioelectrical impedance technology as well as computer vision techniques) . Furthermore,brief examples from the research applications of these promising technologies were given. Inthe end, this paper explored the developmenttrends of these methods used for rapid and nondestructive detection of fish freshness in the further. [ Chinese Fishery Quality andStandards,2015,5 (3 ) :1 -7]